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OSI Fire, Smoke & Draft Stop Sealant, 10-oz.


SKU: 028756998112
Available Inventory: 28
  • $25.51
    Unit price per 

Flameseal is primarily used fo service penetrations around pipes, vents, ducts, and joints in horizontal and vertical fire separations. Adheres to wood, gypsum board, concrete, steel, copper, cast iron, and other common building materials. Lab tested and compatible with ABS, PVC, CPVC, PP, PE and PB plastic materials. Also compatible with all electrical wiring and telecommunication cables listed in the firestop system designs. All other substrates should be submitted to Henkel Technical Service Department for compatibility testing prior to use. (800-624-7767). Use this product only on listed Systems Designs printed in the Underwriters Laboratories and Warnock Hersey fire resistance directories. Not designed to be a waterproof seal. Do not apply if rain is expected within 24 hours, as exposure to rain, running or standing water or snow before the sealant is fully cured may cause it to washout. Not recommended for continuous water submersion or use below the waterline.

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