Solarbord® Radiant Barrier roof sheathing reduces the cost of heating and cooling a home. Using heat-reflecting foil laminated onto our OSB, Solarbord stops up to 97% of the sun’s radiant energy before it can penetrate the attic space. When you choose Solarbord, your attic can be up to 30 degrees cooler. A cooler attic means a cooler home.
West Fraser manufactures three brands of long length wall sheathing – TallWall®, Windstorm® and QuakeZone® that range in lengths from 97-1/8 to 145-1/8. When our longer length wall sheathing is oriented vertically, it beats blocking and the requirement of installing filler strips every time!
Durastrand® pointSIX® is our premium T&G sub-floor that features our patented taper on the 4-foot and 8-foot edges to combat edge swell. If the sub-floor is exposed to rain or humidity, the tapered edges can expand and become flush with the surface without ridging. The result—the sub-floor goes down flat and stays that way. Add in our 1-year no-sand guarantee and 50-year limited warranty and nothing can hold you back.